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Elder Councils

All witches Initiated to the Third Degree High Priesthood, Druid, and the Grade of Philosophus within a Covendom constitute that Covendom’s Council of Elders. Those serving as High Priests and Druids are considered junior members. They have the right to be heard but not to vote directly. Whereas those who have achieved the Grade of Philosophus are senior members. All matters of the Ancient Traditions of the Craft are their domain.


The Elders who have achieved the Grade of Philosophus act as advisors to all of the High Priesthood within their Covendom. The Druids and High Priests act as advisors to all witches within their individual Covens. The Druid acts as trustee for any Coven properties for the two or more Covens he has helped to found, and is the arbiter for any points of Craft Tradition which may be obscure. The heart of Wiccan Worship is also in his keeping. If a High Priest has not balanced the polarities within himself before this point, he ought to do so now. That way he can manage the electric tasks of Trustee and the magnetic tasks associated with the heart of Wiccan Worship effectively for his position.

Once a year, the High Priesthood, Druids, and Elders (who have reached the grade of Philosophus) convene to discuss the state of the Faith within their Covendom. This should be a formal meeting to determine the policy of the Covendom for the coming year. All appeals and petitions from the respective Coven Councils may be presented to the Elders at this time. They should be sent in writing by the Scribes through either a Gala Witchcraft domain email or certified mail to the Scribe of the Elder Council.

Any member of the High Priesthood who is unable to attend the Elder Council meeting, should submit his reason for absence through certified mail and then he will receive copies of the minutes and decisions of that meeting. The Elder Council functions under the auspices of the Tradition as a Law-making body for the Covens within its Covendom. By practicing the art of compromise whenever possible, it seeks to maintain harmony and good will within the Covendom through wisdom and compassion. Therefore its guidance should be adhered to as it represents the best of Craft Lore and Tradition.

As Above, So Below

Just as the Coven Councils have a Scribe, Treasurer, and Summoner, so too do the Elder Councils of the Covendoms. These roles may only be filled by senior Elders, and their functions and terms of service are the same as they are for the Covens but on the larger scale.

All Elders, having achieved the Grade of Philosophus, are eligible to sit on Gala’s Grand Council. The Grand Council does not meet on a fixed schedule. It is only convened when it is needed to decide on matters of Tradition-wide importance. A written request to convene the Grand Council can be sent to the Chief Elder after it has been co-signed by a Covendom’s Elder Council Scribe and Treasurer. The Chief Elder has the right to not only approve or refuse the request but to initiate the Grand Council himself when deemed appropriate. When a Grand Council is convened, one Philosophus from each Covendom’s Elder Council (usually the Summoner, as the Covendom’s Communications Liaison Officer) is sent to vote on the Grand Council with the Chief Elder. Before the Grand Council is convened the Chief Elder will appoint a committee among their number to gather all the necessary facts and relevant information so that the Grand Council can effectively and efficiently exercise its fiduciary responsibilities during the meeting. At the meeting, each Philosophus will receive one vote on all matters to be decided. The Chief Elder mediates the meeting but does not vote directly, except to make or break a tie.

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